Did you know that today is Blue Monday and Winnie the Pooh Day? On the surface it might seem that they are totally different however, delve a little further and perhaps they could complement each other.
Blue Monday has been ‘symbolically’ described as the most depressing day of the year, however, a few years ago organisers of the day decided to start a new tradition and encourage people to do nice things for each other.
The aims of the day are to spread a bit of happiness, remind us all about the benefits of kindness, inspire even more kindness and bring people together.
Blue Monday actions should benefit others – and will probably be something you wouldn’t normally do; whatever you do should be a voluntary act, thought up by you and aim to be as fun and creative as possible.
Winnie the Pooh Day was created to celebrate the birthday of Winnie’s creator A A Milne
With his caring nature the oh-so-loveable old bear appeals to all ages. Who could resist a bear that utters the words:
“A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside”,
“If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you.”
or “Sometimes the smallest things take the most room in your heart”.
Stories about Winnie the Pooh celebrate love, friendship and adventure in a timeless fashion. What are you going to do today to celebrate with Winnie?
Both Blue Monday and Winnie the Pooh Day provide a timely reminder of the importance of lifestyle when it comes to gut health. Love Your Gut adviser – Dr Nick Read stresses the need to lead a balanced life to “take time off – listen to music, take a long bath, read a book, meet friends or go for a stroll.”
Why not take his advice and spread some kindness for Blue Monday followed by a game of Poohsticks!
For further information see:
Love Your Gut: http://bit.ly/1Rw2LG1
Blue Monday: http://bit.ly/1PbbdtP
Winnie the Pooh: http://bit.ly/1PBkYvH http://bit.ly/1Kmshpm