Six Simple Recipes from Dr Joan Ransley


Love Your Gut Week 2020 www.loveyourgut.comLove Your Gut Week 2020 www.loveyourgut.comLove Your Gut Week 2020 www.loveyourgut.comLove Your Gut Week 2020 www.loveyourgut.comLove Your Gut Week 2020 www.loveyourgut.comLove Your Gut Week 2020

With so much information around about what to eat to support good gut health, it can be difficult to know what to choose. Dr Joan Ransley has created six simple recipes especially for Love Your Gut Week.

The recipe for keeping your stomach happy could be simpler than you think. Including easy to find foods, that many of us already have in our fridge, freezer and cupboards. Foods such as bananas, beans, berries, nuts and vegetables – can all be part of a gut healthy diet.

All of these foods contain fibre, which many of us don’t get enough of[1] and which can help support digestion and prevent constipation[2], as well as prebiotics and other important nutrients which can help to keep the gut healthy.

Especially for Love Your Gut Week

To make following a digestion-friendly diet both delicious and simple, Dr Joan Ransley has created six new recipes for Love Your Gut Week 2020 using these easy to find and gut healthy ingredients. The dishes include a delicious one pot Greek Style Tomato and Bean Stew, a colourful Roast Cod and Mediterranean Vegetable Tray Bake, tasty Spinach and Potato Cakes, super Simple Red Lentil Dal, baked Chicken schnitzel with fennel, lettuce, green lentils and radish salad and a light and velvety Chocolate Mousse.

Give them a try!

So, for a simple and tasty way to support good gut health, give Joan’s recipes a try!

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