Tag Archives: Gut Health

The types of food we consume can affect our mood…

Research has shown that gardening has a positive impact on our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing…

Smoking can hugely impact the health of your digestive system.

Autumn is on its way, and as the sun rises later and later each day, waking-up can begin to feel like a bigger struggle

To help improve your ‘gut flora’ we have come up with three tips and three foods to start you on your way…

To keep up-to-date with all the coverage from this year’s gut week visit: https://loveyourgut.com/gut-week/gut-week-2014/

From April to October Love Your Gut is working hard with healthcare professionals to help further increase public health awareness on gut health issues. Your local hospital, clinic or health centre may even be holding a Love Your Gut Campaign!

What is IBS? Taken from: https://www.theibsnetwork.org/what-is-ibs/ Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS is the name doctors have given to a collection of otherwise unexplained symptoms relating to a disturbance of the colon or large intestine. It affects around a third of the population at some point in their lives and about one in ten people suffer […]

Getting adequate exercise and eating a sensible diet during the winter months will hopefully help to ease the burden these cold temperatures can exert on our bodies!