Despite the recent weather, Spring is here, and as the thaw sets in and temperatures rise it is time for the Great British Spring Clean!
Run by Keep Britain Tidy, the Great British Spring Clean runs until 25 March 2018, it is a campaign with a simple aim: to bring people across the country together to clear up the litter that blights towns, villages, countryside and beaches throughout the country.
The campaign wants to inspire 400,000 people to get outdoors, get active and help clear up the rubbish that lies around them.
For those suffering with gut health issues it is important to note that exercise can really improve your digestive health so why not use this opportunity to get out and about – help your local community and your own health. It’s all about taking simple steps every day to better health.
Personal trainer Sophie Christy, recommends that you think about your VEST – whatever the time of year – V = Vary your exercise; E = Everyday routines can include exercise; S = Step to it and check your exercise rates with a pedometer; T = Thirty minutes, five times a week
To find out what is going on locally see:
Note: Given the weather conditions, please keep an eye on the forecast and if there is any doubt about safety events will be rearranged when the weather is better.