Eating seasonally means eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. To enjoy the benefits of seasonal produce try out the recipes below.

July brings  artichoke, aubergine, beetroot, blackberries, blackcurrants, blueberries, strawberries, broad beans, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cherries, chicory, chillies, curly lettuce, courgettes, cucumber, gooseberries, greengages, fennel, french beans, garlic, kohlrabi, loganberries, mangetout, new potatoes, onions, peas, potatoes, radishes, raspberries, redcurrants, rhubarb, rocket, runner beans, samphire, sorrel, spinach, spring greens, spring onions, summer squash, sweetcorn, swish chard, tomatoes, turnips and watercress.

Cooking Artichoke:

1)      Cut off the throne tips of artichoke leaves and slice about ¾ to an inch off the tip of the artichoke.

2)      Peel off any small leaves from the base and stem of the artichoke. Also peel off the outside layers and they are more bitter and fibrous.

3)      The stems tend to be bitter so you can cut of the stems or leave up to an inch on the artichoke. Additionally, peel off the outside layers, which are more fibrous and bitter.

4)      Rinse the artichoke in cold water.

5)      Fill half a large pot with water; add in a clove of garlic and a slice of lemon. Add in the artichoke and bring to boil. Later reduce heat to simmer and cook until the outer leaves can be peeled off.

6)      Artichokes can be served hot or cold but are better served hot. Peel off the outer leaves one at a time and dip fleshy end into a bowl of mayonnaise mixed in with a bit of balsamic vinegar. Put the dipped end inside the mouth and pull through to remove delicious pulp off the leaf. Discard the remaining leaf.

7)      Once all the leaves are eaten, scrap out the ‘choke’ (inedible part), leaving the heart of the artichoke. This can then be cut into pieces, dipped into the mayonnaise sauce and can be eaten.

Artichoke is a thistle-like plant, which is high in antioxidants and is a great source of fibre. It has been shown to aid digestion, improve gall bladder function, detoxify the liver and can lower cholesterol.


Rhubarb and Ginger Treat

Serves 3


500g Rhubarb, finely sliced

100g caster sugar

1 tbsp ginger, freshly grated

1 tbsp honey

Low fat plain yoghurt or vanilla ice cream

Cinnamon powder to sprinkle



1)      Put rhubarb in a pan, pour the sugar over and heat gently until all the sugar has dissolved. Simmer until rhubarb is soft.

2)      Mix the ginger powder and honey.

3)      Pour the rhubarb mixture into a liquidiser, and then add ginger mixture and purée.

4)      Serve warm with low fat plain yoghurt or vanilla ice cream.

5)      Sprinkle cinnamon powder on top.

Rhubarb is a good source of lutein, which helps maintain healthy skin any eyes. It also contains powerful antioxidants (contains lycopene and anthocyanin) which can help prevent chronic health diseases. Rhubarb also contains calcium, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth, as well as vitamin K, which helps which natural blood clotting.