Oversized portions can play a role in increasing our food intake and lead to weight gain. It is important for us to be aware of how much of specific foods food is classed as a portion to help guide our daily food intake.

However, it can be confusing with certain foods of how much we should eat and how often.

Here are some commonly advised portion sizes of certain foods:

  • Meat: the size of a deck of cards
  • Cheese: small match box
  • Potato: 1 medium jacket potato
  • 1-2 slices of bread (depending on size)
  • Rice or pasta: 3tbsp
  • Beans: handful of beans, such as kidney beans or baked beans
  • Fruit & veg: 80g, 1 banana, 2 satsumas, 3tbsp peas or sweetcorn

Top tips to help you reduce your portion sizes:

If you are trying to reduce your portion sizes, or how much food you eat here are 3 top tips that may help:

  1. Use a smaller bowl or plate to give the illusion of a fuller plate and to fit less on.
  2. Eat slowly, it can take up to 20 minutes for body to recognise that it’s full!
  3. Drink a glass of water before eating, sometimes the brain confuses thirst with hunger.

Portion guidance:

Although food labelling of portion sizing can be confusing, many food products available at the supermarket will depict what they class as a portion size. For example, a 200g bar of chocolate can provide 8 servings, and ready meals should indicate how many portions per pack. Next time you’re doing the food shopping, check the packaging of something you regularly buy and look out for portion guidance!

Further information:

There are great resources available online and free to access to help with portion sizing and achieving a healthy balanced diet, the Eat Well Guide gives an overview of a balanced diet and the amount of different food groups which should be eaten, follow the link https://bit.ly/1WsxtyK


For information relating to eating well for your gut see:  https://bit.ly/2tTMAvc