Benefits of Exercise

Regular physical activity has many benefits, including keeping your gut healthy, boosting your mood and increasing your energy levels

However, being fit doesn’t have to mean you have to go to gym – as our fitness expert Sophie Christy highlights –


Why not try Gardening?

Everyday activities, such as gardening, can be just as effective and if you don’t have a garden why not take a wander down to your local allotment.


National Allotment Week

Especially this week, as it is National Allotment Week (12-18 August 2019). This year the theme is all about sharing the harvest from allotments. Allotments holders are being encouraged to share any extra produce they have  with others.


Try something new

If you’ve never considered gardening why not give it a go.  It is said to improve

  • your mental health
  • your physical health


  • your social life!


For further information see:

National Allotment Week  –

Getting Gut Active –