Dechox 2020
Dechox is the British Heart Foundation’s national challenge to give up chocolate throughout March. Anything with cocoa in it is off limits for 31 days – from the sprinkles on your cappuccino to that 3pm chocolate bar.
Money raised during this campaign goes towards funding research could lead to the next development in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart and circulatory conditions.
During 2019 the British Heart Foundation raised more than £158 million.
What the money goes towards
£120 million was spent on funding ground-breaking research and support for people with heart and circulatory diseases. £38 million was spent on the costs associated with generating income. In other words, for every £1 raised, around 76p, went straight to funding research on heart and circulatory diseases, and the risk factors that cause them. These diseases currently account for 1 in 3 deaths globally, causing heartbreak in homes, schools and offices across the country.
Coronary heart disease kills more than twice as many women as breast cancer in the UK. Around 3.5 million women are living with heart and circulatory diseases and, on average, 70 women die from coronary heart disease each day. That’s approximately three women every hour.
Further information
Keep going if you have already taken up the Dechox 2020 challenge! If you haven’t. it’s still not to late see for further information.