Celebrating Mothers’ Day
This weekend we are celebrating Mothers’ Day and as Spring is also upon us, what better way to celebrate than by getting out and about in (hopefully) the sunshine!
Take a Walk – clear out the cobwebs
Take the opportunity this Mothers’ Day to take a walk with Mum. Clear out the winter cobwebs and get moving.
Boost your wellbeing
Research has shown that just being outside in nature for two hours a week can significantly boost your health and wellbeing.1
Love Your Gut
And for those with gut health issues, taking a walk can help improve your digestive health, aid relaxation and make you feel good. Advice from our personal trainer Sophie Christie can be found here: https://loveyourgut.com/getting-gut-healthy/gut-active/
Let’s celebrate
After all that exertion it will then be time to treat your Mum this Mothers’ Day, with our Chocolate Mousse. A delicious, sweet treat, developed by Dr Joan Ransley and packed with gut friendly ingredients like bananas, almonds and cocoa powder. It’s the tastiest way to celebrate the day, without worrying about sensitive guts. See the recipe here: https://loveyourgut.com/recipes/chocolate-mousse/
- https://naturalengland.blog.gov.uk/2019/07/12/two-hours-a-day-outside-is-vital-for-health-and-wellbeing/