National Baking Week 2020

National Baking Week takes place from 14 October. Originally set up by baking companies, the week aims to encourage and increase the number of people, of all abilities, to bake at home. This initiative, alongside the popular TV show ‘The Great British Bake Off’, has made home baking an increasingly popular pastime and we have great gut friendly recipes you can try!

Getting creative and de-stressing

Since the start of the year, many of us have spent more time at home and in our kitchens, inspiring a new wave of bakers. Baking can be a fantastic way to involve the whole family to get creative. So, whether you have a sweet or savoury tooth, why not experiment with flavours and get imaginative with decorations!

Baking can be used as a way to de-stress. You often have to focus on what you are doing, taking in the smells and tastes, which is a great way of staying in the present and forgetting about any worries you may have. It can also be a way to make others happy, as sharing baked goods can convey messages of, love, caring or sympathy.

However, it is worth noting that these benefits will only come to those who enjoy baking! If you prefer to turn up when the cake appears out of the oven then that is absolutely fine, but if baking is something you’ve never tried before. National Baking Week is the perfect time to try it out!

Recipes to try

Some bakers like to tweak recipes based on the contents of their cupboards, others take the ‘wing it’ approach, and some like to follow a recipe very closely. So, for those who identify as recipe tweakers or recipe followers, here’s a few of our gut friendly recipes for you to try:

National Baking Week 2020 with Love Your Gut try our recipes www.loveyourgut.comNational Baking Week 2020 with Love Your Gut try our recipes

National Baking Week 2020 with Love Your Gut try our recipes www.loveyourgut.comNational Baking Week 2020 with Love Your Gut try our recipes

See all our recipes here.

So, whether you’re baking for the treat at the end, or using it as time to unwind, either is the perfect reason to get in the kitchen, and even if it may be your first time, set yourself a baking goal this week and get stuck in.

Happy baking!