Happy New year from Love your Gut!
We hope you have all had a fantastic festive season and are ready to start 2012 off with a bang! The New Year is the perfect time to start a fresh and kick start all the things we want to do or improve in our lives. Whilst New Year’s resolutions are what most people do at the start of the year, may we suggest that you put together some New Year’s ‘objectives’ instead. This will perhaps be more achievable by the end of the year rather than feeling failure if you have not been able to keep your resolution. With objectives you can also set out ways in which you can achieve the objective and if it has not went to plan you can re-adjust it to help you achieve it in a different way.
Since Love Your Gut is all about health and wellbeing may we suggest the following objectives for you to aim to achieve by the end of 2012.
- By the end of 2012 I will exercise at least _X_times per week.
- By the end of 2012, I will have increased the amount of fruit and vegetables I have in my diet each week (this will help increase your vitamin and mineral intake and help with you immune function.
- By the end of 2012 I will cut down on the amount of sugary snacks I have during the day.
- By the end of 2012 I will have replaced white pasta, bread and rice with either brown or wholemeal goods (this is an excellent aim to increase your fibre intake which will help with your digestive health).
- By the end of 2012 I will have ensure that I will have at least one hour of ‘me’ time per week (this will help digestive health too as it will help you to de-stress).