Two Left Feet Week 2015 is all about encouraging us get out and about and start dancing.  In doing so, you can improve your posture, balance and co-ordination.  Dancing will also help to strengthen and tone the muscles in your legs, back and shoulders.

According to the NHS, to stay healthy, adults should try to be active daily and aim to achieve at least 150 minutes of physical activity over a week through a variety of activities.

To start dancing you can be any age, any size, any ability and you don’t need to be sporty or fit.

If you’ve always professed to have “two left feet” – maybe it’s time have a rethink, especially if you are trying to improve your gut health. Love Your Gut’s exercise expert – Sophie Christy – notes “ It may seem strange, but exercise can really help improve your digestive health. That doesn’t mean preparing your body to run a marathon; it’s about taking simple steps every day to better health”

For further information on Two Left Week Feet 2015 see:

NHS Guide – Dance for Fitness see