Tag Archives: digestive system

Tea, Caffeine, Peppermint Tea, Digeative Tract, IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Contstipation, Flatulence

Digestive Health, Halloween recipes

Are you looking after your gut?

Strawberries, Wimbledon, fibre, digestive health

Digestive health, good bacteria, bad bacteria, holiday, five a day, fruit and vegetables, fibre

Did you have some “me time” this Jubilee weekend?

Fibre, Vitamins, Minerals, couscous

Hope you all had a great Easter break!

As mentioned in our January 23rd blog exercise helps our digestive system as it help reduce transit time (i.e. the length of time it takes food to move through the large intestine). The reason a faster transit time is better for us is less water is absorbed from the stool into your body and therefore your […]